A few updates from the teams:
Thor is moving along with implementation of services starting yesterday (Monday). You can view our live Huboard Kanban to see what is currently being worked on. The interface in the last few weeks has gotten a faster, cleaner appearance and stabilized even more around deploying and maintaining your Cloud Foundry based environments.
Read MoreHello Thor Users. We're still in alpha with Thor, but I wanted to share some of the latest progress that has been made over the last few weeks. Here's a run down point by point of the latest pull request #109:
We've been asked a few times, "what's the quickest, easiest and fastest way to get the code, build it and contribute back to Iron Foundry?" Here's a quick start for doing just that.
Read MoreThe Iron Foundry project has had an amazing nine months since its launch. Thank you to the entire community for your support and contributions.
Read MoreIron Foundry offers a host of database services that developers can leverage when building Iron Foundry applications. While there may not be a “wrong” choice (although in some cases, there are horribly inefficient choices!), how can we choose the best database for the situation at hand? Below, we look at each database option in Iron Foundry and why you would, or would not, select it for your application.
Today ActiveState released a new version of their Stackato PaaS built on Cloud Foundry. In this new version they've done a spectacular job integrating the Iron Foundry code into the solution, just add a Windows DEA and you're set.
Read MoreMembers of the Iron Foundry Contributors Team will be attending the PDX Cloud Foundry Hackathon this coming April 14th at Puppet Labs in Portland, Oregon. If you're in Portland or want to come to Portland for a great day of Pizza, Beer, and DevOping come and check out the event. Ok, so I got your attention with the beer and pizza, but what's the hacking really about?
The event is going to be multi-track with a focus on hacking the Cloud Foundry (and Iron Foundry) Code base. This track will dive into what is in the code base and how it is put together. The other track will focus on working to deploy and build applications specifically for the Cloud Foundry + Iron Foundry based platforms. In addition to the main tracks there are a few other workshops we'll be putting on. These include:
Today we’re releasing a new update for the Iron Foundry Micro Instance. The biggest changes are two fold. One is our full support of the Stackato from ActiveState powered micro instance. We’ve taken the great work that the ActiveState Team has done with Cloud Foundry and rolled that into our Iron Foundry enabled Micro Instance! The second big addition is full support for the Cloud Foundry Micro Cloud Foundry 1.2 release.
For those of you that have dived heavily into the overall framework, some of the specifics include changes that enhance the reliability of the controller and self-healing nature of the system.
How to get it up and running? Easy…
First download and get the Stackato Micro Cloud Running.
Next step get the Micro Iron Foundry VM Running & Communicating w/ The Stackato Micro Cloud.
Once the setup process is done you can use Cloud Foundry Explorer (https://ironfoundry.org/download) to push an ASP.NET application. I’ve attached a sample ASP.NET application. Click the gear icon to add a cloud, click the green + button to add a New Server. Rename server to something and add an api url of api.stackato-XXXX.local, email and password. Clicking ”Validate Account” should succeed. Once the cloud is added, you can use push and choose that cloud to publish to it. You should use “testwebapp” as the name since you added it to the hosts file above. Once pushed, you can visit http://testwebapp.stackato-XXXX.local to browse to your application, and http://testwebapp.stackato-XXXX.local/env to see more detailed info.
To get involved with Iron Foundry check out the project at https://ironfoundry.org and Cloud Foundry at http://www.cloudfoundry.org/. With the code available on github at https://github.com/IronFoundry or https://github.com/cloudfoundry.
Read MoreOpen PaaS for Enterprise Devs - A free session at the Cloud Connect Conference, Wed Feb 15, Santa Clara Hyatt Room G
This free session at the Cloud Connect conference is for anyone who wants to learn how open PaaS is enabling enterprise developers. It’s also an ideal opportunity for an informal meet-up of anyone in the Cloud Foundry community interested in deploying PaaS behind the firewall.
Cloud Foundry’s James Watters and Jared Wray from the Iron Foundry team at Tier 3 team up to share insights, best practices and how to’s–with good info for both developers and infrastructure architects. You’ll hear an update on Open PaaS services including Cloud Foundry and why now is the right for IT Ops to transform their thinking from VMs to apps and services. You’ll learn why PaaS may be the best bet yet for quickly enabling Devs with access to the latest technologies for a more agile enterprise. And, we’ll share best practices tips and tricks from real experiences deploying PaaS on a public cloud that can be applied today in your private cloud environment. Our hands-on PaaS demos will include:
Want to join the free session (and stop by to get some good swag on the Expo Floor) Simply register yourself on the Cloud Connect site for a Free Expo Pass (use priority code CPNACC95). If you are interested in joining the whole conference, that code will get you a 25% discount.
See you in Santa Clara!
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