A few updates from the teams:
Thor is moving along with implementation of services starting yesterday (Monday). You can view our live Huboard Kanban to see what is currently being worked on. The interface in the last few weeks has gotten a faster, cleaner appearance and stabilized even more around deploying and maintaining your Cloud Foundry based environments.
Read MoreEver want to write code against the Cloud Foundry API but you don't want to go to the trouble of wrapping up the API calls with library? Well, have no fear there's no need to! With dilligent work from the Iron Foundry team, a few suggestions from outside, and a few contributions from the community we've pulled this together for you. Here's a step by step of what we've accomplished in the last week to bring a solid, clean and tested library to you.
On the Iron Foundry Project we are diligent about keeping up to date with any significant Cloud Foundry changes. With the recent refactoring the Cloud Foundry team has been working there has been a lot more to keep track of. For information on the Cloud Foundry side of things check out these write ups by Mark Lucovsky (Cloud Foundry Roadmap: Below the Water Line, Refactoring the VCAP Repo, and Heads Up on Some New Cloud Controller Features). To check out the changes, with appropriate Iron Foundry extensions, check out the Iron Foundry Repositories. If you'd like to try out your own custom deployment, the scripts have been updated accordingly also. VMC CLI One of the key things we've done in the last few weeks is change the vmc (usage information) from preview release to a full release. So to get the latest Iron Foundry enabled vmc be sure to uninstall the previous version: Then simply use gems to install the latest (KB Article Available): If ruby and gems isn't installed on Windows yet follow these quick steps. Install Ruby for Windows from Ruby Installer. This is tested using version 1.9.3. During installation you can either add ruby to your PATH or add it manually later. Run the following commands from a command prompt. You should ensure that ruby and sqlcmd are in your PATH as well. Checking ruby version & installing on Windows:
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