Iron Foundry offers a host of database services that developers can leverage when building Iron Foundry applications. While there may not be a “wrong” choice (although in some cases, there are horribly inefficient choices!), how can we choose the best database for the situation at hand? Below, we look at each database option in Iron Foundry and why you would, or would not, select it for your application.
On the Iron Foundry Project we are diligent about keeping up to date with any significant Cloud Foundry changes. With the recent refactoring the Cloud Foundry team has been working there has been a lot more to keep track of. For information on the Cloud Foundry side of things check out these write ups by Mark Lucovsky (Cloud Foundry Roadmap: Below the Water Line, Refactoring the VCAP Repo, and Heads Up on Some New Cloud Controller Features). To check out the changes, with appropriate Iron Foundry extensions, check out the Iron Foundry Repositories. If you'd like to try out your own custom deployment, the scripts have been updated accordingly also. VMC CLI One of the key things we've done in the last few weeks is change the vmc (usage information) from preview release to a full release. So to get the latest Iron Foundry enabled vmc be sure to uninstall the previous version: Then simply use gems to install the latest (KB Article Available): If ruby and gems isn't installed on Windows yet follow these quick steps. Install Ruby for Windows from Ruby Installer. This is tested using version 1.9.3. During installation you can either add ruby to your PATH or add it manually later. Run the following commands from a command prompt. You should ensure that ruby and sqlcmd are in your PATH as well. Checking ruby version & installing on Windows:
Read MoreThis past Wednesday the Iron Foundry Team held a Pizza and PaaS Meetup at Tier 3 () headquarters in Bellevue, Washington. It was a great event with individuals coming to check out what the Iron Foundry Project enables and also to talk about PaaS Technologies in general.
Members of the Iron Foundry Contributors Team will be attending the PDX Cloud Foundry Hackathon this coming April 14th at Puppet Labs in Portland, Oregon. If you're in Portland or want to come to Portland for a great day of Pizza, Beer, and DevOping come and check out the event. Ok, so I got your attention with the beer and pizza, but what's the hacking really about?
The event is going to be multi-track with a focus on hacking the Cloud Foundry (and Iron Foundry) Code base. This track will dive into what is in the code base and how it is put together. The other track will focus on working to deploy and build applications specifically for the Cloud Foundry + Iron Foundry based platforms. In addition to the main tracks there are a few other workshops we'll be putting on. These include:
Yesterday we launched our new testing environment that you can read about. With that announcement we added support for Caldecott which allows you to tunnel from your environment to services in the Cloud Foundry environment. Today we have enabled MS SQL support with Caldecott into our .ME environment and also our own version of the Cloud Foundry VMC that has all of the Iron Foundry support built in. Install VMC Iron Foundry Install Ruby for Windows from Ruby Installer. This is tested using version 1.9.3. During installation you can either add ruby to your PATH or add it manually later. Run the following commands from a command prompt. You should ensure that ruby and sqlcmd are in your PATH as well. Checking ruby version:
C:\>ruby --version ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16) [i386-mingw32]
C:\>gem install vmc-ironfoundry --preCaldecott and MS SQL To use Caldecott on Iron Foundry from a Windows machine to connect to a provisioned MS SQL database, follow these steps. Install Ruby for Windows from Ruby Installer. This is tested using version 1.9.3. During installation you can either add ruby to your PATH or add it manually later. Run the following commands from a command prompt. You should ensure that ruby and sqlcmd are in your PATH as well. Checking ruby version:
C:\>ruby --version ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16) [i386-mingw32]Ensuring that sqlcmd.exe is in your PATH. If not, it is located by default at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe
C:\>sqlcmd /? Microsoft (R) SQL Server Command Line Tool Version 10.50.2500.0 NT x64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Install the vmc-IronFoundry gem
C:\>gem install vmc-IronFoundry --pre Fetching: vmc-IronFoundry-0.3.16.IF.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed vmc-IronFoundry-0.3.16.IF.1 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for vmc-IronFoundry-0.3.16.IF.1... Installing RDoc documentation for vmc-IronFoundry-0.3.16.IF.1...Target and log in to your account
C:\>vmc target Successfully targeted to [] C:\>vmc login --email --passwd XXXYYYZZZ Attempting login to [] Successfully logged into []Provision an MS SQL database
C:\>vmc create-service mssql Creating Service [mssql-c902d]: OKTunnel to your database
C:\>vmc tunnel mssql-c902d sqlcmd Deploying tunnel application 'caldecott'. Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (1K): OK Push Status: OK Binding Service [mssql-c902d]: OK Staging Application 'caldecott': OK Starting Application 'caldecott': OK Getting tunnel connection info: OK Service connection info: username : uxeBbNM0jYAFS password : psOmxGWibimeX name : d7dedaf7e01ae42568c07c44ec30bff99 Starting tunnel to mssql-c902d on port 10000. Launching 'sqlcmd -S localhost,10000 -U uxeBbNM0jYAFS -P psOmxGWibimeX -d d7dedaf7e01ae42568c07c44ec30bff99' 1>You can now run commands from within sqlcmd against your database!
1> select @@VERSION 2> GO Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2500.0 (X64) Jun 17 2011 00:54:03 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1In addition, you can use the displayed connection information to connect via SQL Management Studio. Just use localhost,10000 as the "Server name". Be sure to start the tunnel first and keep it open during the time you're using Management Studio. Quitting sqlcmd will close the tunnel.(Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
Today we have released a major update to the Iron Foundry test environment. Currently this environment is supporting over 350 developers constantly deploying/hosting applications using .NET and the Iron Foundry developer tool set. Here are some of the major changes and highlights:
If you have contributed to Iron Foundry in any way, let us know. We’ll send you a free exclusive “I BRING THE HAMMA” Iron Foundry t-shirt while supplies last. Using Iron Foundry on a project, providing feedback, blogging about Iron Foundry, or source code improvements are some of the ways that you can contribute. Here are a couple of examples:
Let us know how you are contributing by going to:
Check out how to start contributing:
Read MoreOpen PaaS for Enterprise Devs - A free session at the Cloud Connect Conference, Wed Feb 15, Santa Clara Hyatt Room G
This free session at the Cloud Connect conference is for anyone who wants to learn how open PaaS is enabling enterprise developers. It’s also an ideal opportunity for an informal meet-up of anyone in the Cloud Foundry community interested in deploying PaaS behind the firewall.
Cloud Foundry’s James Watters and Jared Wray from the Iron Foundry team at Tier 3 team up to share insights, best practices and how to’s–with good info for both developers and infrastructure architects. You’ll hear an update on Open PaaS services including Cloud Foundry and why now is the right for IT Ops to transform their thinking from VMs to apps and services. You’ll learn why PaaS may be the best bet yet for quickly enabling Devs with access to the latest technologies for a more agile enterprise. And, we’ll share best practices tips and tricks from real experiences deploying PaaS on a public cloud that can be applied today in your private cloud environment. Our hands-on PaaS demos will include:
Want to join the free session (and stop by to get some good swag on the Expo Floor) Simply register yourself on the Cloud Connect site for a Free Expo Pass (use priority code CPNACC95). If you are interested in joining the whole conference, that code will get you a 25% discount.
See you in Santa Clara!
Read MoreGovernance Model
Today we are sharing more information on the Iron Foundry governance model.
Anybody who believes in enabling the .NET ecosystem into the Cloud Foundry platform and who wants to contribute or help build the community is more than welcome to participate or contribute to Iron Foundry.
While Tier 3 is the lead on the project and will remain a strong active voice, we welcome contributors and sponsors to take an active role In the Iron Foundry project. This effort will in turn be recognized: top contributors of the project and sponsors who are active in the community will be asked to join the governance team.
How do I get started?
As always the simplest way is to fork the Iron Foundry code on github for simple changes and then issue a pull request to the Iron Foundry team for review. For significant contributions — as with most open source projects — we do require to sign a Contributors License Agreement (CLA). The CLA is modeled after the Apache Foundation and Cloud Foundry CLAs, which have worked out well with both communities.
You can read more about this here:
Read MoreThe launch of Iron Foundry this week was amazing and we want to send a sincere thanks out to the entire community. As things always do in a community process, we’ve received great suggestions, found a few hiccups, and seen some amazing engagement!
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