cf Command Example

Instructions for using the cf command line application on Windows:

  • Download a Ruby 193 x86 build from
  • Extract to C:\Ruby193 and add C:\Ruby193\bin to your system PATH
  • (Optional) do some updates and install bundler with these commands:
gem update --system gem install bundler 
  • Install the cf client:
gem install cf 
  • Target your installation and push an ASP.NET application:
cf target cf login cf push testaspnet --path C:\projects\published\TestApp --stack mswin-clr 
  • At this point your application will stage and be deployed. Since the file and directory services are works-in-progress, your client may not receive notification that deployment is complete. Cancel with CTRL-C and check the status of your app:
cf apps 

If you continue to have issues deploying your application, a cf stop followed by a cf start can resolve it. Please report these and other issues using the support system on this site.